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5.5.2023-6.5.2023: conference celebrating the first fifty years of the review "Giurisprudenza Annotata di Diritto Industriale". Program available here

23.9.2022: a conference will be held in memory of prof. Luigi Carlo Ubertazzi at the University of Milan Bicocca. The program is available here.

19.7.2022: annual conference of the master in Intellectual Property organized by the University of Turin with the World Intellectual Property Organization. The theme of the conference is "Intellectual Property, Resilience, and Recovery". The program is availablehere


May 2022: published the volume Injunctions in Patent Law - Transatlantic Dialogue on Flexibility and Tailoring, edited by Jorge Contreras and Martin Husovec, Cambridge University Press, 2022. Chapter 10, dedicated to Italy, was written by Alessandro Cogo and Marco Ricolfi. It is available in open accesshere.   

4.4.2022: prof. Cogo will participate in the conference "Themes of intellectual property and its enforcement - in memory of Prof. LC Ubertazzi" organized on the occasion of the annual meeting of AIPPI Italia. The meeting program is availablehere.  

30.3.2022: prof. Cogo will participate in the online seminar organized by AIPPI Italia on "Le collecting in the digital single market". The meeting program is availablehere.  

9.2.2022 / 12.2.2022: Annual Conference of the IP and Innovation Researchers of Asia Netword (IPIRA).

Program and instructions to participate are posted at

The professor. Cogo will chair the parallel session 7.c on Patents of 12.2.2022, during which the following scientific papers will be presented and discussed:  

Preeti Srivastava, Muscat College, Awareness, Perception and Attitude towards Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) among Undergraduate Students in Oman: Are They Ready Yet?
Harshavardhan Yadav, Government Law College, Ujjain, A Study of Indian Intellectual Property Regime with Special Reference to Persons with Disabilities;

Piergiuseppe Pusceddo, University of Tillburg, Intellectual Property and International Political Economy. Using International Relations Theories to Understand State Behavior in Pharmaceutical and Technology Matters;
Monika Diwakar, Symbiosis Law School, Symbiosis International Deemed University, Right to Affordable Health Care and Pharmaceutical Patent in India: A Pre and Post Covid-19 Perspective;
Neelesh Shukla, Institute of Law Nirma University, Interplay of “Intellectual Property Rights” with “Right To Repair” and its Impact on Global Environment;
Abdumumin Yuldash0v, Tashkent State University of Law, IP Policy in Uzbekistan: Current Process.

16.12.2021: "Dialogues on intellectual property", organized by AIPPI Italian group with the collaboration of the Scuola Superiore della Magistratura.  Avv. Odra Papaleo participates as a moderator.

November 2021.  CVPM Legal participates in theTorino Film Industry

October 2021. CVPM Legal participates in the 7th edition of MIA - International Audiovisual Market

2021. The film"Cuban Dancer" wins the Knight Made, Documentary Achievement Award at the Miami Film Festival. 

2021. The film "The Rossellinis”Already selected at the Venice Film Festival 2021 is among the five David di Donatello.

25.3.2021: the professor. Cogo chairs the session on "IP and Health" of the "Third IP & Innovation Researchers of Asia Conference (IPIRA)" organized by WIPO and WTO in collaboration with some European, US and Asian universities

2021. The film "We are the thousand”Is selected at the South by South West 2021 Festival and wins the Audience Award.

17.12.2020:“Dialogues on intellectual property”, organized by AIPPI, an Italian group with the collaboration of the Higher School of the Judiciary. The program is availablehereThe lawyer Odra Papaleo participates as a moderator.

26.11. 2019: “The new variations of the independent producer” organized by Film Commission Torino Piemonte. The program is availablehere. The lawyer Elisa Vittone participates as a speaker.

12.11.2020: the professor. Cogo reports on "Access to content and platform regulation and accountability" at the webinar "Covid Emergency 19: The IP Phase - Copyright Session" organized by AIPPI Italia. The conference program is availablehere

7.10.2020: the professor. Cogo reports on "Copyright and the COVID-19 Pandemic" on the occasion of the AIPPI World Congress

13.9.2019:  prof. Cogo reports on "ISP uses of protected content", at the conference "The digital copyright directive" organized by the Annals of copyright, culture and entertainment (AIDA).

9.7.2019, Shanghai: prof. Cogo reports on "3D Printing and Enforcement of Design Protection", at the "Design and IP in the Digital Age Symposium" organized by Tongji University with the World Intellectual Property Organization. 

29.6.2019, Geneva: prof. Cogo reports on "Use of Copyrighted Content by Online Content-Sharing Service Providers under the EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market" at the "IP Researchers Europe Conference" organized by the University of Geneva with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).


2019. The film "The Passion of Anna Magnani"Is selected at the Cannes Film Festival 2019. 

14.12.2018:  “Dialogues on intellectual property”, organized by AIPPI, an Italian group with the collaboration of the Higher School of the Judiciary. The lawyer Odra Papaleo participates as a moderator.

11.10.2018, Rome: prof. Cogo participates in the panel "Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property", at the Annual Conference of the International Bar Association.

29.6.2018, Tilburg: prof. Cogo participates as rapporteur on the topic "Injunctions in Italian Patent Law", at the International workshop on Patent Injunctions organized by the TILT and TILEC research centers from Tilburg University (Holland) ._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

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